Thursday, September 23, 2010

How one elaborates a Christian Amerindian Theology.

The starting point is to get rid of the prejudices on both sides. The part of the indigenous peoples, cannot be born of hatred or condemnation and repudiation of 500 years of forced evangelization because, previously, they had their theology, their expression. Their contact with God is part of the past, and now they have to live the present and look with hope for the future as a people who were "reduced, but not defeated." 

The challenge now is to show that with the new evangelization, it is possible to overcome the intolerance of the first evangelization, that of colonization that has prevailed against the indigenous religious cultures. Another condition is, on the other hand, not wanting to restrict the manifestation of God to a culture - the West - or limit it to the gateway to God, but accept that each nation can commune and relate to him in their own way.

Amerindian Religion creates a more practical theology, that is, the fruit of experience which is reflected in myths and rituals, work and social life of a people, justified, much more than Western culture, reciprocity and sharing in the relationship with gratuity to God. (He gives, He takes) and with others (no one is abandoned when in need even when they don’t deserve it).

Finally, Amerindian Theology still has a long way to find a formulation that is Christian, that collects and purifies all the contributions of the religious experience of indigenous peoples which make it a reflection of  their faith. However, it is nevertheless time to recognize their legitimacy, cultural identity, and experience of God to redeem the great values contained in Amerindian Peoples religious cultures which bring richness to the Catholic Church and even contributes to other Theologies. 

Medino Abraham
Santa Rosa

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